Apéro with Grilled Peaches and speck with Orange / 桃のロースト&生ハムサラダ

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  3. Apéro with Grilled Peaches and speck with Orange / 桃のロースト&生ハムサラダ

Another fun with endives – “Peaches and speck with orange blossom”-my second try from Ottolenghi’s recipe.
I was so moved & inspired with Eiko-san’s (@thekitchenstoic table the other day, that I promised to challenge more varieties of dressings & start trying Ottolenghi sometimes (with the easier ones of course)!

While browsing some samples of his book on a Singapore library app, I almost gasped because this recipe sounded such a destiny, fulfilling my mood & ingredients!
I had endives, specks (from Paris!)- so off I ran to shopping for some peaches & maple syrup.

The grilled peach in olive oil & dressing with orange juice & maple syrup& EVO &balsamic vinegar- it was such a wonderful flavor (I had no clue what orange blossom water were, so I just used the juice)✨
I was skeptical of the left over Pinot Grigio in the fridge, but the sourer taste somehow matched the salad so well- what an marriage😇🥂✨

Btw I can’t tell the difference between endives and chicory… are they the same or different…?

– Instagram reel of this post (25 sec video)
– お料理家庭のリール


-ドレッシングを作る: オレンジ果汁&メープルシロップ&オリーブオイル&バルサミコソース、塩コショウ
