[travel] Virtual Izakaya Tour in Kyoto – 京都の激渋居酒屋にてお会いしましょう

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  3. [travel] Virtual Izakaya Tour in Kyoto – 京都の激渋居酒屋にてお会いしましょう

Happy Wednesday✨

My last post around my travel (eats) in Kyoto✨
Please, join me by the counter in a typical Izakaya (Japanese seasonal brasserie / pub)… they way I’d usually enjoy…
Let’s meet up around 6pm-ish!

📸2: Let’s first kampai (cheers / sante / prost…)🍻 You know, the “Nama Beer” (draft beer) in Japan is nothing like anyother. Bottled ones are nice, but draft! They would serve the glasses ice cold too.

📸3.”Sashimori” (sashimi (raw fish) platter) – usually would have seasonal assorts in omakase (freestyle) way.

📸4: Let’s examine the menu meanwhile…

📸5. Old school “Hamu Katsu”, Japanese innovation? Some thick ham in a cutlet. Somehow we like it- usually enjoyed with Worcestershire sauce.

📸6 & 7 & 8 : When in Kyoto, let’ eat local. Namafu & Yuba, and time for sake.
-Namafu: Steamed block of wheat gluten mixed with rice flour, later boiled & served with Ponzu (Japanese citrus sauce). White original, green mugwort

  • Yuba: Finest tofu skin, Kyoto is so famous for this. So silky and creamy & fresh..!! Had with Ponzu as well.
  • Sake: Japanese rice wines. Maybe like a sweeter white wine, but they match with simple tasting, lighter flavors✨

📸1: Swipe back please… Now after lighter flavor, Grilled Unagi (eel), without the teriyaki sauce. It tastes wonderful with wasabi sauce✨Maybe another sake🍶

📸9&10: Oh we forgot we ordered fired chicken gristle! & Japanese style salted nappa pickles, soba salad…✨✨

It was so nice to enjoy with you✨
I do have some Tokyo I missed to share, and they will come once in a while in the coming weeks…




📸2: (1枚目は後程)今日も3万歩&自転車よく頑張りました、まずは生/瓶ビで乾杯✨
📸3&4: 刺し盛りをお願いしつつ、メニューを吟味するお時間
📸5: ここ数年、ハムカツが好きになってしまいました。女将さんが揚げ物担当、てきぱきしていらっしゃいます
📸6-8: 京都らしいお味:生麩ポン酢(揚げびたしや田楽と迷いました!!)、汲み湯葉(最高!)、そろそろ日本酒
📸9,10: ちょっと落ち着こうとお漬物を選んだはずが、あれ、軟骨から揚げ&蕎麦サラダも頼んでました😂

