[travel] Paris- Joyful Reunion in French way / アイス、シャンパンとブルス・ド・コメルス

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  3. [travel] Paris- Joyful Reunion in French way / アイス、シャンパンとブルス・ド・コメルス
travel Paris ice cream

Staying in Paris- so far I had both sunny and rainy and cloudy, but the city is as beautiful as always.
I’m sure we don’t need to be reminded how beautiful and romantic this place is – but I just want to collect in my grid the keepsakes…✨

  • Berthillon: When I travel Europe in summertime, I enjoy at least one gelato per day, focusing solely on pistachio (even for double scoops)… not that I don’t like any other flavors- I know they are the best, so I wouldn’t bother to adventure. This time, my Parisian friend proposed a charming idea of having some ice cream as we stroll. Why not! While the queue, I had the chance to receive personal lessons of flavors… I chose something that appeared French: créole (Rum raisin) & pêche de vigne (Peach & wine sorbet). It was too nice😇!! Grown ups eating ice cream cone on street may look odd in Tokyo (even more in the winter), and that’s one of the reasons I love Europe.
  • Santé / Prost / Kampai / Cheers – well…it was supposed to be a coffee break..😇 The conversation kept flowing of course.
  • Bourse de Commerce: Beautiful rebuild of the 18th-century stock exchange building in the center of Paris by Japanese architect Tadao Ando(now a museum of François Pinault foundation ).

※Short video of beautiful Paris streets on my Instagram post



  • ベルティヨンのアイスクリーム。フランス人の友人と散歩中、”片手にアイスでも?”と提案してもらい、大賛成。普段はピスタチオオンリー(2段でも)なのですが、名店の本店と聞き、少しフランスっぽそうなものを選んでみました:ラムレーズン&ワインピーチ(シャーベット)。これがこれが。。。最高すぎて、既に再訪したい気持ちです。


