Quick “Asazuke”, Tsukemono pickles with Nappa & Yuzu / 柚子でさっぱり白菜の浅漬け Happy Wednesday✨ A very quick and easy idea of Tsukemono – Japanese pickles with Napa Cabbage.This time, the simplest of all – “Asazuke” -a type of Tsukemono where the veggies are simply marinated in salt water....
FRIDGE CLEANOUT! Steamed Veggies with Creamy Tofu Dip/ 冷蔵庫のお掃除レシピ、豆腐ディップetc Finishing fridge cleanout with a veggie table. Everything steamed / boiled- to enjoy with Asian flavored dips. Veggies you see: Lotus roots, carrots, green paprika, snow peas, snap peas, young corns As preparing, I started to...
Oven Roasted Cauliflower Steak with Coriander Pesto / カリフラワーステーキとパクチーペスト Happy Tuesday✨So excited to taste something so flavorful, as I get my hands on two of the items on my “would like to try in 2023” list… ①get used to cooking ovens & ②cooking cauliflower (I...