[travel] India: Hindu Wedding, Finale. and Happily Ever After… / インドの結婚式、最後のセレモニー、めでたしめでたし [English]Hindu Wedding, Finale. and Happily Ever After… And happily ever after…✨The fourth and final event during the Hindu Wedding- the ceremony itself.After the first day of energetic dancing, the second day was much calm… it was...
[travel] India: Hindu wedding, Dance! Bollywood Groove / インドの結婚式、朝までボリウッドダンス Hindu wedding, Dance! Bollywood Groove till dawn Documentation of the second half of the first day at Indian wedding last night.The dress code was formal western / Indian, a banquet style gathering. I hope to share...
[travel] India: Hindu wedding, Blessing the Bride at Haldi / インドの結婚式、”ハルディ”花嫁にターメリックを塗ってお祝い English: Hindu wedding, Blessing the Bride at Haldi The morning celebration of the second day of an Indian wedding- “Haldi”, with traditional & spiritual feels- it was a featuring event for our dear bride.If you would...