Boudin Noir on Lentil Bed, paired with Playful Starter/ ブーダンノワールとレンズ豆、素敵なアペロと

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  3. Boudin Noir on Lentil Bed, paired with Playful Starter/ ブーダンノワールとレンズ豆、素敵なアペロと
Boudin Noirs, on bed of cooked lentils  ブーダンノワール

Boudin Noir, on bed of cooked lentils and rooted veggies & Endive salad with pear & blue cheese🥬🍐✨
Dishes of the day, with some ingredients back from Paris & inspired by great minds.

  • Endive salad with pear & blue cheese🥬🍐✨
    Bookmark from Kori-san’s post : @sip.and.chop , Jan 9th 2024.
    I loved the idea to pair it with pears. It sounds so nice… and though my pears were a bit firm fleshed & it was not white balsamic as her recipe, it still was a wonderful combination!
    The aroma of pear & blue cheese, this itself already is perfect- and with wonderful others… as perfect as it can be. 
    Also, I noticed that chopped chives adds more flavorful & savory accent, I loved it!
  • Boudin Noirs, on bed of cooked lentils etc
    Sausage made of pig blood.
    It may sound eek…!, but I remember having a wonderful version in Tokyo, maybe decades ago with someone very French and special.
    So with that memory, I hoped to taste them in Paris, but since I had not the chance, I purchased one in some grocery store, before visiting Eiko-san’s apartment (@thekitchenstoic , I mention you too often now😂🙏).
    I asked her how I should cook them, and she replied within a second, “with Lentils?”

So on bed with green lentils, carrots, courgettes, potatoes, onions & garlic, a bit of orange juice.
And I must confess & regret… I still had some jetlug, which made me nap during cooking😪💤… resulting in an explosion of the sausages😭
Too bad in looks… (and probably in texture) – but flavor-wise, I still loved it!



