Quick, Fancy Apéro with Endive, Blue cheese & Walnuts / エンダイブ、ブルーチーズとくるみのアペロ

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Quick, Fancy Apéro with Endive, Blue cheese & Walnuts/ エンダイブ、ブルーチーズとくるみのアペロ

Wondering what to do with Endive & Blue cheese?

I’ve seen them in my timeline for a while- and I really enjoyed how they are pretty.
Not sure if the blue cheese I got was roquefort / something else, but nevertheless tasty.
So celebrating, with Lina-san’s dish (@linacuisine2021 in her February 3rd post).
*Salade d’endives aux noix et au roquefort- du livre Bitter @alexinaanatole

On my last day in Paris- reviewing the importable list to Singapore issued by the government (remember, Singapore is a “Fine City💰😇”) – I did my last grocery shopping.
*For example, poppy seeds are not allowed (in the context of drug trafficking), along with chewing gums (fined😮💰💸!).

I’ve had endives before- but not in my kitchen.
I was not sure, if I should peel by hand, or cut the stem off- but oh well.
I really like the bitterness… kind of like UDO (Aralia cordata) / Fuki (Japanese butterbur) of Japan.
The spring bitterness, to wake our body up!!

Adding a hint of honey in dressing was really a wonderful twist, which was new to me✨
And of course – actually roasting the walnuts. Makes a big difference.



