Sakana Teishoku (lunch fish set meal) & Washoku Exhibit / 最高な魚定食&和食展と

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  3. Sakana Teishoku (lunch fish set meal) & Washoku Exhibit / 最高な魚定食&和食展と

Happy Tuesday✨

Last post was about my ideal Japanese breakfast, and the next one will be on my idea for very old fashioned and comforting Japanese lunch.

A typical “Sakana Teishoku / grilled fish lunch meal” at some Japanese restaurant.
The basic idea is, they would simply grill the fish by fireside, and serve it as a main with rice, miso soup and sometimes some tsukemono (pickles) / small side dishes.
Also, most of the times, you will get a scoop of shredded daikon raddish (those snowball-ish ones) & a lemon slice by the fish.
I like the raddish so much, I ordered additional scoop (they are so refreshing with grilled fatty fish!).

I chose mackerel this time – it was grilled to perfection… this could not be done at home.
Fish maybe marinated in miso / sweet soy sauce, or simply as it is, later salted.
Sounds too simple, but it’s just the best.

Rest of the pics: from an exhibition at a National museum on Washoku (Japanese cuisine).
It’s so interesting to learn about the special characteristics to our food culture, starting from the natural environment & history…
I hope to reflect on such elements, in my cooking while my stay in Japan.




話変わって、先日ようやく和食展(国立科学博物館)に訪れることができました( @mohamora_acca さまにお勧め頂いた際のお言葉がとても刺さり、ありがとうございました😍🙏!)。

