[travel] India: Hindu Wedding, Finale. and Happily Ever After… / インドの結婚式、最後のセレモニー、めでたしめでたし

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  3. [travel] India: Hindu Wedding, Finale. and Happily Ever After… / インドの結婚式、最後のセレモニー、めでたしめでたし

[English]Hindu Wedding, Finale. and Happily Ever After…

And happily ever after…✨The fourth and final event during the Hindu Wedding- the ceremony itself.
After the first day of energetic dancing, the second day was much calm… it was much quieter with less dancing, with walks around spiritual fire and much blessings.
Indian Wedding was full of wonderful surprises, a beautiful and wonderful way to learn about our friend’s culture, her family/friends, and herself.
If you would -please visit my post on Instagram for short video.

And very unlikely for me…! While enjoying the mutton curry this morning for the last breakfast in India, I noticed I missed to include food for the past several posts…!
I hope to share one or two more posts around eats… (and on a small excursion)✨

– So so magical! I think I’ve seen such scenes in childhood books and movies and everything- but it’s true! I really like the pastel symmetrical settings, very Wes Anderson.
– A very interesting tradition of “JOOTA CHUPAI” – where the gloom’s shoes is hidden by bride’s friends – followed with a negotiation of a gift (or money) to get it back. I learned that this is because in the old day of engagement marriages, the couple, would had never spoken to each other, or very little, so this playful ritual played as an ice breaker.
– Beautiful hands of the bride. So much wishes, and blessings!




– まるでおとぎ話の絵本のような!もしくはウェスアンダーソンの映画のような!火の回りを7回巡って、おごそかな時間。ダンスも、ほんのちょっと(でも、ちゃんとあります)。私は最後まで、阿波踊り(風)😇
– 花嫁側の友人たちが新郎の靴を隠して、その見返りにギフトをねだるという、伝統的なかわいらしいいたずら。これは、お見合いで初めて出会うことの多かったカップルのアイスブレーカーとしての名残のよう。
– 新婦の手。たくさんの祈り、想いを纏って✨
– 夜通しでしたが、こんな風に笑、あっという間!に感じました