[travel] Authentic Washoku adventure in Kyoto – 京都で季節料理&お出汁のラーメン

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  3. [travel] Authentic Washoku adventure in Kyoto – 京都で季節料理&お出汁のラーメン

Happy Monday✨ My eats in Kyoto.

I used to learn traditional fine Japanese cooking for several years in Tokyo… but I understand the whole concept of Washoku (authentic Japanese cooking) is all condensed in Kyoto, the old capitol of Japan.
It has the purest essence & most formal aesthetics of Japanese cuisne… the umami of dashi & seasonal notion is at top notch.
If you want to taste something “traditional X seasonal X authentic Japanese” to its finest… it’s Kyoto.
Even in Izakaya (brasserie kind of, where you enjoy sake (Japanese wine) with casual dishes) – the level is just exceptional.

Some of the highlights ( I wish to share all dishes… )

  • Pic 1-4
    At some counter table Japanese restaurant. Hollowed out Yuzu (Japanese winter citrus), with veggies stewed in creamy white miso of Kyoto (called “Kyomiso / Saikyo miso, very exceptional flavor…), bitter winter flavor of fried Japanese butterbur with pistachio & miso sauce, fine anchovie with Japanese pepper (sansho) rice, topped with raw eggs, some fish with beautifully julienne-d veggies (marinated in white miso of Kyoto)
  • Pic 5-7
    Amazing Izakaya…Sake (Japanese rice wine) tastes better than ever…✨
  • Pic 8-10
    Kind of off-beat, but Kyoto ramen. The chef trained at some Michelin ramen shop, and he has developed just wonderful, wonderful soup…
    Usually Ramen soup is based on pork/ chikcken, but his is based on dashi broth (bonito & kelp)- so light and full of umami…✨



カウンター割烹。くりぬかれた柚子に、お野菜&白みそベースのグラタン風な/フキノトウ(久々の苦み!)の天ぷらとピスタチオのマリアージュ/ちりめん山椒TKG…こんなお上品な玉子かけご飯があったとは…/ 西京焼きのお魚&最高においしい付け合わせ野菜(西京味噌漬けの、ゴボウなど含む、最高な!!)



