Stuffed Japanese turnip with minced shrimp dumplings/ 蕪の射込み、海老餡詰め

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  3. Stuffed Japanese turnip with minced shrimp dumplings/ 蕪の射込み、海老餡詰め

Stuffed Japanese turnip with minced shrimps✨

I am not sure about turnips around the world- but Japanese turnips are crunchy, clear in taste, silky, and all the niceness.
They are good grilled / simmered / grated and steamed / as raw. Skins are edible once cooked, and greens are also edible- nothing to be wasted!

Today’s idea: Pure white turnip & paste of shrimp (red once cooked) – in some starchy dashi sauce.

  1. Curve off the skins of turnips, and hollow out with some retro fruit spoons (grandma’s drawers…), put some starch around the hole
  2. Chop & make paste out of: shrimp, old ginger, lotus roots- mixed with some salt & starch. Fill in the turnips with these pastes.
  3. Put the stuffed turnips in dashi broth (almost half way up the turnips) – once boiled, put lid on and let it cook for 6-10 min until the paste is cooked & turnip is softer. Adjust the flavor with salt/sake/light soy sauce.
  4. Add some Japanese herbs (Mitsuba / Oba / myoga) along with starch dissolved in water- and once thickened, ready to serve.

I had some leftover cooked again, with additional tofu and etc – it was a nice soup✨




