Rich savor! Peanut Butter Gochujang Sauce / ピーナッツバター&コチュジャンソース

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  3. Rich savor! Peanut Butter Gochujang Sauce / ピーナッツバター&コチュジャンソース
Spaghetti with Peanut Butter Gochujang Sauce / ピーナッツバターコチュジャンソースでスパゲッティ

Peanut Butter Gochujang Sauce, what a delicious goodness✨

Inspired by Zahra-san’s recipe on her Instagram Post:

The peanut gochujang dressing aka the ‘Extra good thing’ is what elevates this dish from an ordinary vegetable side dish to an extraordinary one. To make the dressing, you’ll need peanut butter, gochujang, brown sugar, soy sauce, lime juice, fresh ginger, garlic, lime leaves and chives. The result is a creamy, spicy, and slightly tangy dressing that coats the broccoli perfectly. It’s a great way to add more flavour to a lot of your meals ❤️❤️. If you’re not a fan of spicy food, you can always adjust the amount of gochujang to your liking. Enjoy!

(@culyzaar ), April 28th 2023

So what went in my dressing:
1.5 TBS Peanut butter (crunchy type), 1TBS Gochujang, 1TSP Brown Sugar, 1TSP light soy sauce, a bit of lime juice, pureed fresh ginger & garlic, and chopped chives.

It uses no oil, but still the nuttiness & creaminess of the peanut butter boosts the satisfaction✨

Quick video flow on Instagram / 簡単な作り方はインスタグラムにて

Powerful Salad: Broccoli & Steamed Chicken, with Peanut Butter Gochujang Sauce

Broccoli & Steamed Chicken, with Peanut Butter Gochujang Sauce / ブロッコリー&蒸し鶏とのボリュームサラダ

The Idea is really simple.
Combine: Steamed chicken, boiled broccoli, chopped cucumbers, drizzle the PB Gochujang Sauce, sprinkle some chives & crushed peanuts. YUM YUM YUM.
💡Cucumber was a local – so I skinned the hard surroundings, and chopped only the sliced inner. The seeds were not too big or juicy, so I did not scoop them out this time.

Ingredients / いざ、お料理懐紙
Steam chicken (along with leftovers) /鶏を蒸す
Or, steam / microwave / 茹でる(レンジでチンでもOK)
Local cucumbers, shredded / シンガポールのローカルスーパーのきゅうり、皮が固いので剥いています
Pile up the ingredients! / 盛り付けて、頂きます!

Nutty Creamy! Vegan Pasta with PB Gochujang Sauce

With the leftover Broccoli & Sauce, a quick vegan pasta for lunch.
Super simple: Broccoli, some chopped red capsicum, leftover whatever greens in my fridge.

Heat 1TBS oil (I used sesame oil) & the sauce in pan, add a bit of salt water from the boiling pasta pot.
When the sauce starts to bubble, add the veggies, mix, and put lid for them to cook.
Mix pasta, stir fry for a while, and serve✨

When sauce is done, cook veggie with lid / ソース煮立てば、野菜を加え蓋して蒸す
Add pasta and stir fry / パスタを加えて炒める
Mixed, ready to serve / 良い感じに混ざり汁気なくなればOK

[Japanese] 大活躍!ぴりっとこってり、エスニックなピーナッツバターコチュジャンソース



