Delightful & Colorful! Vegan Tempura Udon party / シンガポールの食材で野菜天ぷらうどん

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  3. Delightful & Colorful! Vegan Tempura Udon party / シンガポールの食材で野菜天ぷらうどん

Vegan Tempura Udon Party✨
Lots of Singapore local veggies I did not know last summer upon moving here – but tempura is supposed to be a very carefree fry- it should work for literally ANY veggies if you knew how to handle them correctly…
Usually, ingredients should be nothing too waterly… the concept of tempura should be “crispy light batter (“VERY light (both color and texture- we never want them in brown) ) & airy” …notion for finer tempura✨

Udons are glutinous Japanese wheat noodles- you may be more familiar with them in warm soup, but we also enjoy them stir fried like pasta / cold like soba.
Anything goes- you can usually find pre-packed udons in any Japanese grocery shops- as well as dry pasta-like.
This time with latter, I just boiled them as indicated on the package, and rinsed them in cold ice water, so it will be done al dente.

You can find my latest tips on tempura in the fig post I pinned on my profile- for the oil, I recommend mix of black sesame (at least 20-30%) & veggie oil for wonderful aroma.
🍤Gotta be cold water
🍤Leave powders in the batter!

I recommend just plain powdery salt (not crusty Maldon type- powderly that sticks tocrust) if for only tempuras.
Since we have udon this time- my recommendation would be to go for cold bonito dashi sauce flavored with sake & soy sauce & mirin & sugar & salt, but you can just simply dilute those “dashi sauce”.
You can also add grated old ginger / wasabi… would be super delicious✨



