Ratatouille for Grown ups, with Watermelon Salad / 大人のラタトゥイユ&スイカサラダ

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  3. Ratatouille for Grown ups, with Watermelon Salad / 大人のラタトゥイユ&スイカサラダ
Ratatouille for Grown ups, with Watermelon Salad / 大人のラタトゥイユ&スイカサラダ

A meal of two dishes, with homemade Paneer – A fresh Indian Cottage Cheese

Ingredients so primitive: milk (whole the better), lemon juice (vinegar), and salt.
Quick photo tour in my previous post, or video on my Instagram, from below.
I learned that that draining well (overnight in fridge) is the key to success.

Click to watch the 15 sec video on my Instagram

Ratatouille for grownups, with Homemade Panner

What makes this Ratatouille / ラタトゥイユの材料

From Helen-san’s March 21nd post (@pearler60 ).
*Original Recipe referred: Yiayia Marietta’s Sufiko (Vegetable Medley) from Ikaria

I love ratatouille, and and I cook at least once bi-monthly.

Until today, ratatouille was about how tomato-y it could be. I often used canned tomatoes / tomato paste / ketchup. I even sometimes used butter, for creamier flavor.
So when I saw her recipe, I was shocked and awed at how she brought the dish together with lighter ingredients and red wine.

I tried this time, with: Paprika, aubergines, courgette, fresh tomatoes, sweet potato, some chili, parsley, garlic, plenty of red wine, and olive oil.

Chunks of eggplant, zucchini, red and green capsicum and pantry staples (red onions and sweet potato – or pumpkin) are fried gently in olive oil, then steamed with a little water until soft. The veggies are joined by blended fresh tomato and garlic, red wine and parsley, and simmered until thick and glossy.

March 21nd post (@pearler60 ).

Served at room temperature as her advise, it was so fresh and light and tasteful!! I felt somewhat grownup feels with this ratatouille- I will update my ratatouille recipe going forward
I added some sauteed paneer. It matched so well!!

Chop chop the veggies / カットしたお野菜、カラフル✨
To be added later – 後入れの材料たち
Steam for a while, before adding wine / ちょっと蓋をして、蒸して

Watermelon Salad with Homemade Panner

Delicious Watermelon salad / 甘さ&塩っぽさ、最高なスイカサラダ

Watermelon Salad
I really enjoyed fruit salads in India.

Reproducing… cut watermelon & fresh paneer & mint. Flavored with olive oil & salt & pepper.
As Singapore is ever summer and watermelon is always available, I have a feeling this will be one of my go-to standard salad.

[Japanese] 自家製パニールでつくる、お料理2種






2. さっぱり&ジューシー、スイカサラダ
