Osechi cooking 2023 ② Imo-kinton, Gomame (Tazukuri), Tataki goboh/ おせちレシピ:芋金団、田作り、たたき牛蒡

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  3. Osechi cooking 2023 ② Imo-kinton, Gomame (Tazukuri), Tataki goboh/ おせちレシピ:芋金団、田作り、たたき牛蒡

Happy Wednesday✨

Documentation on Osechi.

Osechi is a celebrative Japanese bento to be enjoyed at home on the New Year’s day. Each item has special wishes, with many good luck meanings behind.
Also, it was meant to be a preservative bento that lasts for several days in the new year (to lessen the burden of housewives- I wonder if it gets offset with this extreme cooking pressure though…😂).

We can usually get Osechi items in super markets, department stores, even in convenience stores like Seven-Eleven as soon as Christmas is over😳
I think there’s not much people cooking /having full set osechi these days, but my grandmother used to cook, and the memory of family gathering around her handmade osechi is always special.

■Tataki Goboh: “Pounded Burdock Root with Sesame Sauce
Burdock grows deep into the ground with thin, long & strong roots – symbol for longevity and the firmness of the family business.
Original recipe would “tataku (叩く, beat)” the simmered burdock- opening good luck.

■ Gomame: Candied sardines
In the past, these little fishes were used as a fertilizer in the fields – a symbol of prayer for a good harvest. Also, lots of little fish is considered as being belssed with children- prosperity of descendants.
Notice- we make them face the same direction😂🐟

■”Imo-kinton” (sweet potatoes)✨ – It’s originally done with candied chesnut.
This dish symbolizes wealth and economic luck💰✨Imo/芋 “potato” Kinton/金団(golden cushion/blanket).
Yellow (gold) is believed to be a lucky colour for wealth – dried gardenia is used to dye yams in stronger yellow.

※Short videos available on my Instagram post (how I prepare each items)





・たたき牛蒡 ±4日前


・ごまめ:NTUCやCold storageのアジア系乾物コーナーにある、sardines!ちょっと大きめ&塩気があるので調整は必要ですが、問題なくおいしかったです✨
