Osechi cooking 2022 Chapter 7, “Kanten”: Apple & Yuzu Agar Jelly / 2022年末おせちづくり その7.キラキラ寒天2種 りんご&柚子羹

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  3. Osechi cooking 2022 Chapter 7, “Kanten”: Apple & Yuzu Agar Jelly / 2022年末おせちづくり その7.キラキラ寒天2種 りんご&柚子羹

Happy holidays🥰🎍✨

Documentation on Osechi (Japanese new year bento) item🍱
Each item has wishes & meanings, I try to cook to make those points stand out✨

Today introducing a dessert of apple & yuzu agar jellys (寒天, kanten)🍎🍋
It’s pretty & always everyone’s favorites.

Quick recipes of “Yuzu-kan & Ringo-kan”(arranged to be easier) & Stories🍎🍋

Yuzu fruits are important for Japanese cuisine, it’s really the signature fruit & flavor for the cold seasons.
Agars are trasnparent seaweeds, almost no calories.

In winter when the power of the sun weakens, it bears a yellow fruit that resembles the sun.
We put Yuzu in bathtubs on the winter solstice day, believing its strong citrus scent would will protect us from any bad spirits & catching a cold.

I think the shredded Yuzu on surface looks like gold and pretty…💖
Shape is in the shape of chrysanthemum (good luck flower… also used as Imperial Family Emblem) & Pine tree (They grow in harsh conditions, even on rocks in the ocean- symbol of courage, perseverance and longevity.).

I used the Japanese cooking equipment called “Nagashi-kan”, a silver container that’s used to make all sorts of jellies & steamed fish cakes etc -but you should be able to substitute with tupperwares etc.

■ Kanten (agar) base

  1. Soak agar in water (10g of agar- ±600CC water)
  2. Boil & dissolve. Take off any foams.

■ Yuzu🍋

  1. Grate the yuzu sukin. Do not grate the white fluffy part, as they are bitter. Squeeze and use the juice.
  2. Add sugar (to match your taste), mix with kanten base, boil, and let it cool.

■ Apple🍎

  1. Choose redder apple, and cut (If big one, don’t use the inside- but the fruit around the skin).
  2. Mix sugar (& add a bit of lemon juice), add kanten base, boil, and let it cool.

Pretty and yum💖
