Osechi cooking 2022 Chapter 2, Candied Kumquat, “Kinkan no Kanroni” / 2022年末おせちづくり その2.金柑の甘露煮@シンガポール

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  3. Osechi cooking 2022 Chapter 2, Candied Kumquat, “Kinkan no Kanroni” / 2022年末おせちづくり その2.金柑の甘露煮@シンガポール

PJ Osechi – finished my Candied Kumquat (Chinese citrus) – “Kinkan – no- Kanroni (金柑の甘露煮)”🍊
You can pop in this fruit into your mouth without peeling its skin.
Cooked in sweet and sour syrup, this is so yum – I keep the syrup and have them with hot water afterwards, it’s also a yum & good for throats.

I found pretty flowers in the super market, and I was so happy they had Japanese pine tree looking branch in it as well, I was hoping to get this🥰🌿🌿

Also preparing other items in parell – I think I’ll make around 10 items… Would like to share the stories about some items with recipe, after tomorrow (thank you for your kind advice, Chris-san!!)✨

Recipe: “Kinkan – no- Kanroni (金柑の甘露煮)” -Candied Kumquat🍊

  1. Soak Kinkan (kumquat) in water, for one night
  2. Take off stems, place vertical cuts around (around 5-6 cuts). Or, pierce with forks
  3. Cover with sugar & Vinegar (I would say sugar 30%-40% the weigh of fruit, vinegar to cover ±70% of the height).
  4. Put lid with aluminum foils, let it go on medium heat- once boiled, turn the heat to low and heat for ±20min. Stop heat, and let it rest for another half day.
  5. Done! Store with the syrup.


