Osechi cooking 2022 Chapter 1, Preparation of goods / 2022年末おせちづくり その1.お道具などの準備@シンガポール

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  3. Osechi cooking 2022 Chapter 1, Preparation of goods / 2022年末おせちづくり その1.お道具などの準備@シンガポール

Skipping Christmas… I decided to make a small osechi for this Friday, as I will be on a trip next week.😇❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥Osechi is a Japanese New Year’s bento box filled with special wishes. I used to make this for the past several years for my friends and families… every year spending almost over a week shopping & managing my death march pj on an excel spreadsheet😂❤️‍🔥

Cooking osechi is all about going back to basics of Japanese cooking, it’s really interesting.
I always recall the stories of the history and meaning/philosophies behind each dishes, which I learned from my mother, grandma and teachers🥰✨

Don’t think I can spend too much time this time – but hope to share several basic items, some prepared with Singaporean local ingredients☺️🇯🇵🇸🇬✨✨

Let the cooking (and shopping) begin…😇❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥





※まずは、お道具と超基本食材の準備です!!バイブルは近茶流の”季節の手仕事”や板書のノート、柳原一成先生の”和食”&尚之先生との共著”季節の手仕事 春夏秋冬”、その他大好きな先生方のレシピです。。。💚とはいえ。。スピード重視の手抜きアレンジも沢山取り入れていく予定です笑。