Happy Monday✨
How I finished the local greens after the porridge the other day.
Super simple& healthy, with Japanese umami✨✨
In a “Ohitashi”- a typical way how my grandma / great grandma used to prepare typical Japanese simmered dish…. super easily arranged in dashi broth, great side dish for any kinds of Japanese meals.
- Prepare Japanese dashi broth (bonito based)/ shiitake (mushroom broth for more zen style): I used boiled non-sodium bonito dashi pack as base, but you can also dilute dashi powder / sauce/ simmer dried shiitake as a broth. Adjust the flavor with sake & soy sauce (&sugar/mirin) & salt.
- Meanwhile- Sauté chopped boneless chicken thigh pieces, with their skin facing down – flip them once they are browned… and steam cook.
- Parboil the greens in boiled water (stems first, then the leaves… we don’t want them soggy), fan & cool them (so that bright green color kept).
- Let the flavor sink – putting 1 & 2 & 3 together in room temp for a while (over 30min).
※20 sec video of this cooking on my Instagram reel
- 漬け汁の準備(出汁パック+お酒&薄口しょうゆたらり+ちょっとお塩(+お好みで、お砂糖/みりん)を煮立て、室温にキープ
- 1とほぼ同時に、一口大に切った鶏肉を皮からフライパンで熱し、皮目に焼き目ちょっとつけば、蓋してお肉に火を通す。(茹でるだけでもよいと思うのですが、ローカルスーパーの鶏肉は少しワイルドなので、一度焼きました)
- 葉野菜を、茎→葉でさっと湯がき、水切り、うちわ等で冷ます
- 2&3を漬け汁で合わせ、30分以上放置(落としブタなどあるとgood🐽)