Muscat Jelly! Beautiful Green Grape adventures / マスカットゼリーの夢

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  3. Muscat Jelly! Beautiful Green Grape adventures / マスカットゼリーの夢

Continuing with the muscat jelly/agar projects (last posted project, few months ago, with white wine jelly).
I have been trying with other fruits as well – and to my preference, muscats & green grapes seems to match the best.
I would also like to challenge and try on coffee jellies too.

Part1: Double layered Muscat Jelly, with Panna Cotta kind of jelly (whipped cream).

My recent success. First, make the cream layer, and let it cool in fridge. Later, pour in room temp jelly with grapes, and cool in fridge.

Green grapes in Jelly / マスカットゼリー
Double layered muscat jelly / 二層のマスカットゼリー
Panna Cotta layer adds nice richness! / パンナコッタ風の層と
Always doki doki (heart thumping) to take them out of the mold / きれいに抜けますように!

Part2: Konnyaku Muscat Jelly (with sugar) based jelly

With so much green grapes!!
For the ones I could not finish right away, I just froze them and had them in my daily smoothies.

Simply pretty✨ / かわいい。。。
So densely grape💚 / とってもぎゅぎゅっと!!

Part 3: Pure agar – not the best but still a good try!

They turned kind of translucent colored, and very hard… I did not enjoy. But as I had pretty flowers, I did manage to take photos…& up-cycled in my daily morning smoothies😇

Well, looks pretty, no? / 見た目は、想像通り!
Kind of like Kind of like a grape terrine! / ブドウのテリーヌのような
I love the cut! / 断面、とてもきれいでうれしくなりました
Hard, and a bit too hard… / ちょっと。。。固すぎました、寒天、難しい~!

Jellies are so difficult for me, but hope to get used to them!

Japanese : 夢のマスカットゼリーチャレンジ



・パート2: こんにゃくゼリーの素使用。お砂糖&ゼリーの素&お湯混ぜ混ぜ、ちょっと常温に戻ったら、マスカットと冷蔵庫へ。ちょっとお砂糖を怖がってしまいハンサムな甘さに。残りは、朝のスムージーで美味しく頂きました。
