Menu Paring : Beautiful Katazome Designed Craft Gin by Yumiko Suzuki / 型染め作家・鈴木結美子さん作品とのペアリング

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  3. Menu Paring : Beautiful Katazome Designed Craft Gin by Yumiko Suzuki / 型染め作家・鈴木結美子さん作品とのペアリング

Opening a special bottle of craft gin, designed by my friend, Yumiko Suzuki (@yumiko_szk)
She is a Katazome (stencil dyeing kind of) artist, and I am always so moved by how deep she goes into the theme and background for each of her artworks.

Table featuring the beautiful bottle designed by Yumiko Suzuki / 友人が手掛けた素敵なクラフトジンのボトルを主役に

This unique Japanese craft gin is made with rice shochu (distilled spirits), flavored with organic lemon- all harvested in and around the rice field of Yamaguchi (western tip of Honshu).
The area is also known for cranes – a symbolic bird for Japan, representing longevity and happiness (which its number is diminishing nationally over the years).
The farm reduces the use of agricultural chemicals to protect the environment for cranes as well.

Beautiful Katazome Design of Yumiko Suzuki

Beautiful katazome work of Yumiko Suzuki / 型染め作家、

It is said that it takes 88 of efforts to make rice, and the name of the bottle describes the additional effort of the brewer beinging together this gin.

A Table to pair with the Citrusy Rice Gin

To enjoy the soft umami of the gin and refreshing lemon flavor, I paired with some sashimi, tamago yaki omelette, citrus salad & soba (I thought of rice, but since the gin was rice based).
We really enjoyed… excited to experience her next project!!

*Last time, was a Japanese sake, and she actually painted with the snow she brought back from the fields, to express the natural flow of the water & the terroir

Party time!! / 抜栓式!
Citrus pairing with scallops / ホタテの柑橘サラダ
With leftover veggies… / ありもののお野菜を総動員
Good olive oil will do the work / おいしいオリーブオイルで!
Quality sashimi from Meidiya /シンガポール、明治屋さんのお刺身
With some quick julienned daikon radish/ ツマは、久々に包丁で
Yay to sashimi platter / お刺身の盛り合わせ!


山口県 山縣本店さんより、お米のクラフトジン。

