Sweet Jewels: Japanese Candied Chestnuts “Shibukawa-Ni” / シンガポールで栗の渋皮煮

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  3. Sweet Jewels: Japanese Candied Chestnuts “Shibukawa-Ni” / シンガポールで栗の渋皮煮

This very simple looking thing – is an homemade Japanese Candied Chestnuts (compote).🌰🍁🍂
Difference from western candied chesnuts (Marron Glace) , is that we keep the bitter inner skin (“shibu-kawa”).
Takes a bit of effort cutting off the shell, but so worth it🌰🙏✨✨
I love the bitterness from the chestnut skin, it’s such an deep autumn flavor…✨

Quick recipe for Japanese candied chesnut(Shibu-kawa-ni)🌰

  1. Soak chesnut(Japanese ones works best) in water for a day to get it softer. Peel them with knife, be careful you don’t cut off the skin/ hurt your finger.
  2. Place peeled chesnut in pot, pour water to cover & 1/2 tsp (or less) of baking soda. Heat in medium heat – when the water turns brown (mahogany), change water and boil- repeat this process for 2-3 times (to get rid of the bitterness of the skin).
  3. Wash the chesnut with water, and clean up longer and thick skins with toothpick / some stick(they’re more fragile now, so be careful). Put peeled chestnuts in pot, cover with water , and start adding sugar. As for sugar – around 1/3 the weight of chesnut’s total weight. Pour around 30% of the total sugar in the beginning, when water comes to boils.
  4. Keep it in low heat, add rest of the sugar in portions(I did something like 20% x 3 times, over 3-4 hrs). Add water if the syrup gets thick.
  5. To finish – add 2-3 tsp of light soy sauce, heat once again. Let it cool down and… yum🥰❣️





※Short videos available on my Instagram post (how I chip off the skin of chesnuts)