How to & tips: Asparagus & Shrimp Tempura / 季節の天ぷら、アスパラガス編

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  3. How to & tips: Asparagus & Shrimp Tempura / 季節の天ぷら、アスパラガス編
Asparagus & Shrimp Tempura

Taking up on my seasonal joy, with Asparagus & Shrimp Tempura.

When in Japan, tasting season was not at all difficult, as we were blessed with distinct seasons, gifts from sea & mountains.
But now in tropical Singapore, as a tradeoff to beautiful sunshine & fair weather all year around (which is amazing), I need to be more proactive in enjoying season on my table.

Enjoying them in Tempura this time, with additional lotus roots & shrimp.

Tips & How to: Asparagus & Shrimp Tempura

🍤Gotta be cold water
Tempura batter is simply: flour (light ones)+egg + “cold water (even with ice)”.
It needs to be cold, because otherwise it will be glutinous & thick- we want the light & fragile texture.

🍤Leave powders in the batter!
Be careful not to mix the batter completely- you want some powders left, so you’ll end up with dimensional texture.

We don’t want them curled up like in emojis🍤, but straight! And there’s a way- cut stomach & bend (… sounds gruesome, but not so much😇 swipe to the 15sec video).

🍤On flavor
I like to enjoy tempura with bonito dashi sauce sometimes too, but usually I go for plain salt, to enjoy the crispy shell.
Better with either flaky salt like Maldon so you could sprinkle them on / much powdery salt, so it will stick to tempura.

🍤Batter recipe
I go for traditional recipe of:
130g plain/light flour
1 egg yolk (could be whole)
Super cold water 200ml (most time with ice floating)

But if you have Asian markets around, you would be able to find “tempura powder”- art of tech. They’re great too, highly recommended❤️







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