Holiday bake✨ Brandy Fruit Cake / きらきら✨ブランデーフルーツケーキ🍒

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  3. Holiday bake✨ Brandy Fruit Cake / きらきら✨ブランデーフルーツケーキ🍒

Retro Brandy Fruitcakes! I have a strong love and admiration for the retro fruit cakes with colorful dried fruits (and liqueurs).
I learned recently that my favorite favorite old shop that sold these cakes were closed in Tokyo… so I had my mind set to try❤️‍🔥
My Christmas bake✨

These fruit pound cakes with brandy – I have no idea where these cakes origin… Italy? Germany…? A bit like panettone / Stollen. Brandy- France…?
These are standard retro cakes in most of the patisseries in Japan all year long – maybe it’s some Japanese fusion of “European fruit cakes” (oh but we often use rum too…).

Either way, from when I was small – I felt somehow very fairy-tale ish excitement (like Hansel and Gretel) with these colorful cakes & cherries on cookies.

With the right recipe, though a bit of a mistake during the way, it recovered – and the result was way above my expectation!!
I know I will make another one very soon!!! I need to bake one for my mother before I fly back to Japan this month.

Stories about ingredients:

  • Colored glaced cherries; So pretty! I wasn’t sure if they’ll turn out mixed colored / tie-dyed, so I soaked them in brandy in separate containers.
  • First time to visit “Redman” for those colored cherries & other dried fruits, I never really knew them but they were the go-to shops here in Singapore! In Japan I used to go to Tomizawa Shoten for dessert materials & ingredients.

Some of the basic steps:

  1. Soak dried fruits in alcohol, minimum 2-3 days
  2. Mix up your favorite pound cake batter. Separately, powder the drained fruits.
  3. Mix everything together, bake.
  4. Cool, and brush brandy into the cake, wrap it, and wait for several days to enjoy.

Points I learned🤓

💡Before mixing the fruits in the batter – drain & coat them in heavier/ bread powder. Coating the gems would keep them separated in the batter, and they will not sink to the bottom. Wow.
💡Very elementary: Ooooh… I thought I should blend liqueur in the batter, but it’s rather soaking the baked cake with liqueur.
💡 Most challenging part. How you need to wait for several days to finally enjoy…! But by then, alcohol aroma was not too direct, and flavor sunk deep in the cake. Yummm.
💡 My dough unfortunately separated… because of several reasons (I forgot to add sugar before I added the yolks & yolks were too cold…), but managed to revive through putting the whole bowl in warm water for a while.
How merciful pound cakes are….✨

※30 sec Reel of this bake on my Instagram post




富澤商店さんのオンラインレシピ(なかしましほさん @nakashimashiho519)&初心者にひたすら優しく丁寧な素敵な本を参考に( 藤野貴子さん @taquako41)✨
シンガポールの製菓店としては恐らく最もメジャーなRedmanへ(今回はStar Vistaモール店、単純に型等物量を求められる方はphoon Huat店がお勧めです)。


