FRIDGE CLEANOUT! Steamed Veggies with Creamy Tofu Dip/ 冷蔵庫のお掃除レシピ、豆腐ディップetc

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  3. FRIDGE CLEANOUT! Steamed Veggies with Creamy Tofu Dip/ 冷蔵庫のお掃除レシピ、豆腐ディップetc

Finishing fridge cleanout with a veggie table.
Everything steamed / boiled- to enjoy with Asian flavored dips.

Veggies you see: Lotus roots, carrots, green paprika, snow peas, snap peas, young corns As preparing, I started to feel more interested in adventuring into the world of dips and dressings of all sorts… hope to start learning & trying more later this month✨

# 1. Tofu miso paste Mix in food processor :
Drained silk tofu (just wrap it in paper & put something heavy for an hour or so), 1bs miso, 2tsp mirin. Adjust with more miso/sugar to match your taste.

# 2. “Negi-da-re(ネギだれ)” (scallion dressing) I always enjoy this as topping for all sorts of yakiniku and steamed pork/chickens. Chop scallions & green spring onions in small pieces, mix with some nice black sesame oil & salt & a bit of light soy sauce and pepper. Just that. If you have lemon, squeeze & will be great.

# 3. Mayo-chilli Nothing much to explain- just mix Chinese chilli bean sauce & Kewpie Mayo (the best mayo for me). Adjust with mirin/sugar if necessary.


シンプルに、蒸し&茹で野菜にして、そのまま&ディップやネギだれで味変させながら頂きました。 レンコンは、茹でた状態で冷凍しても大丈夫と知り、一部ラップに包み、気合のテトリスで収納しました。