Braised Pork Shoulder Loin in Black Vinegar & Soy Sauce / 豚バラブロックの黒酢煮

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  3. Braised Pork Shoulder Loin in Black Vinegar & Soy Sauce / 豚バラブロックの黒酢煮

Braised pork shoulder loin in black vinegar & soy sauce etc.
There are so many varieties of soy sauce in local supermarkets in Singapore- I tried several to see which ones fit the best for my kind of cooking – I usually go for “light soy sauce”.
Another dominant type of soy sauce is the “Dark soy sauce” – more starchy & darker, and with a bit of burnt, deeper aroma.
I’ve never tasted something like them in Japan, it’s quite an interesting sauce!

Pork is cut in chunks, blanched once – then boiled with all the broth babies (sliced old ginger, green parts of scallion, sake (the recipe asks for 1/2-1cup *I think replacing with white wines / Shaoxing wines would be nice too), some water to cover
Once it boils, add some honey & black vinegar, and braise for 40min.
I would recommend to cover the meat with paper towel, so that surface will not dry & become hard (if you put real lid, then the meat might just melt away…).
Afterwards, add soy sauce (I mixed dark & light) – and braise for 10min.

Very gentle, juicy, and rather lighter Chinese dish despite its darker color✨✨
This was delicious✨ I may add star anise & clove the next time…✨



今回はお醤油(中華系)ですが、お醤油も色々種類があって、light soy sauce (普段家庭的な日本料理にぴったりです)から、dark soy sauce (焦がし醤油のような、少し重めのぽってりとしたお醤油)等、かなりの量のバリエーションがあったりします。