Irresistible! Cheese full Corn Biscuit with Sage / セージたっぷりのコーンビスケット

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  3. Irresistible! Cheese full Corn Biscuit with Sage / セージたっぷりのコーンビスケット

I love corn breads, corn muffins, anything with corn🌽✨ Generous amount of grated cheese, corn, sage… sounds heavenly.

It took me two tries to kind of get the idea, and will need some more tries ahead to understand…. but this was a wonderful bake, even from the first try!
*You can see in the reel where I went wrong… but even with the mistake, it did taste good… but not with the pie-ish texture… so I needed to retry.

Broad idea of what this bake is all about:
Great savory cheese biscuit with cheese, corn, and sage.
I think… if you are skilled with puff pastries, you will probably ace it with no problem.
I won’t go into details, but fresh sage is critical… it took me two weeks before the retry…. (they aren’t so standard in Singapore maybe…& power outage right before cashier was dramatic at ColdStorage one day…).

Now that I have tried this recipe, some things I’ve learned / remembered/ promised to myself:

  • Always always always, read & follow the recipe carefully… especially for bakes…
  • Pie-ish dough requires cold butter, and so much more points to be careful of. No time to go back to videos once mixing starts😂
  • Placing biscuits closely on the pan, so they would push & rise each other😮
  • Will try cooking some dishes with polenta!
  • Command on Excel to keep some cells blank if 0🤓
  • Where to find fresh sage in Singapore (Meidiya at Great World)



今回は、 どうしてもどうしても食べてみたかった、チーズ&コーンビスケット。小さいころからコーンブレッド系には目がなくて…!




Reel (30 sec video) on Instagram, showing the whole flow:

Photo version, with a 5 sec video of excel trick to make life easier