Classic “Kinpira Goboh”: Japanese Braised Burdock/ メインディッシュ級!きんぴらごぼう

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  3. Classic “Kinpira Goboh”: Japanese Braised Burdock/ メインディッシュ級!きんぴらごぼう

Happy Monday✨✨
Kinpira Goboh- (braised burdock root), one of a very traditional Japanese home food.
A very tasty side dish… you may have seen this in small plates/bowls, in any of your typical Japanese set meals(定食/tei-shoku).
I tried to upgrade this to main dish by adding more ingredients.

I found a burdock in NTUC-around 2dg (Singapore’s national super marke- more local & affordable than the others).
Somehow Japanese burdock is super expensive in the foreign countries (as mentioned by my favorite comedian, actress, and fashion designer- @watanabenaomi703 would say in NY😂❤️).
When it could be like 2 SGD equivalent back in Japan, it could cost as much as 20 SGD in Singapore Meidiya… though happy to explore.

Quick recipe of flavorful KINPIRA GOBOH✨✨

Ingredients: Burdock root (goboh), Konjac, chicken (I used chopped thigh)
Flavors: Light soy sauce, Sesame oil, Roasted sesame, sugar, Sake & mirin (could skip)

  1. Slice Burdock, and rest in water – to take away the dirt aroma. Also, slice carrots the same size as burdock.
  2. Roast white sesame, chop chicken to bite size, paroboil & slice Konnyaku (optional).
  3. Roast in pan, parboiled Konnyaku, when the surface is dry→ add sesame oil (as much as you want) & dried red chili & chicken→ when chicken is half cooked- add sliced goboh (water drained) & carrots- stir fry until they’re softer
  4. Add flavors- sake (optional) → sugar/mirin→ light soy sauce → mirin (optional , with more sugar) sugar → roasted sesame, to your liking.
  5. Yummy w/ bowls of Japanese rice 🍚 💖


