Art of Oden (Japanese Pot-au-feu/Yong Tau Foo) / シンガポールの食材でおでん

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  3. Art of Oden (Japanese Pot-au-feu/Yong Tau Foo) / シンガポールの食材でおでん
Oden, Japanese pot-au-feu in claypot, recipe

In my daily communication with my mother, she mentioned she may do another Oden (Japanese Pot-au-feu/Yong Tau Foo kind of a stew) as the nights are still pretty cold in Tokyo.
Hearing that…the image grew in me – and that’s how I am preparing my first Oden in 2023.

Every family has their favorite odens – there’s different recipe / flavors nationwide.

Boldly stating, oden is all about how clear you can taste dashi broth flavor (bonito & kelp) in soup & ingredients – there are certain points in preparing.

So prepping oden with care…💛 Will share several tips in my next post

Quick recipe of Oden 🍢🍢🍢

  1. Prepare dashi – 1~2 liter, depending on the size. Season with light soy sauce/ sugar (&mirin/sake) to match your taste
  2. Parboil fish cakes, to take out unnecessary oil. Same for anything oily.
  3. Prepare veggies, cut and parboil. One of the tips I’d like to share on daikons (Japanese white raddish)*repost from my oden 2022 recipe- they have a bit of enzyme aroma- it’s especially recommended to parboil them- and to avoid them falling apart during boiling, we use the technique of ‘mentori (面取り)’ – by removing the corners of the veggies. Small efforts makes big difference🥰
  4. Put everything besides fish cakes in the pot, let it simmer until flavor soaks in. Add the fish cake around 5min before serving. Yummy!







Oden, Japanese pot-au-feu in claypot, recipe: ingredients
Oden, Japanese pot-au-feu in claypot, recipe: daikon