Osechi cooking 2022 Ch.11, “Kobumaki” Salmon Kelp Rolls / 2022年末おせちづくり その11. サーモンの昆布巻き

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  2. Japanese cooking / 日本料理
  3. Osechi cooking 2022 Ch.11, “Kobumaki” Salmon Kelp Rolls / 2022年末おせちづくり その11. サーモンの昆布巻き

Happy new years eve🥰✨✨
I’m so thankful of all the interactions I had this year here, glad I took the courage to start something new☺️🙏✨✨

Documentation on Osechi (Japanese new year bento) item- three more to go🍱
Each item has wishes & meanings, I try to cook to have those points stand out✨

Today introducing “Kobu-maki/昆布巻き”-(Stuffed Kombu (Kelp) Rolls With Salmon✨

Quick recipes of “Kobumaki” (arranged to be easier) & Stories🪢🐟

Originally, Kobu (short for Kombu/昆布, kelp) is considered to be a super good luck food in Japan. Still in old tradition, we send Kombu as prestigious gifts in certain occasions (some are pretty expensive).
Flavor differs by sea & regions, but Kombu is essential to Japanese cooking- for dashi broths.

Its shape widens toward the end (good luck, like 8/八), image of happiness spreading.
Also, it’s close to synonym of happiness “yoroKOBU/喜ぶ”, and Chinese character that means Descendants prosperity.
So many good lucks😋✨✨

Thinner kelp is used for this dish.
We roll salmon (originally dried herrings- but I couldn’t find), and tie with kanpyo/干瓢(dried gourd strips).
The act of tying /結 itself is super good luck – it’s about good relations & connections.
There’s a special way to tie, so the knot won’t go vertical- will share in the future 🪢

  1. Soak kelp & gourd individually in water, cut fish to the length of the kelp.
  2. Roll & tie (forgot to take pics… using previous years’ photos)
  3. Place the knot down, and put on medium heat in: 800ml water, 2TBS sake, 2TBS vinegar, 2TBS sugar, 2TBS light soy sauce, 1TBS Mirin (or sugar). *Adjust flavor to your liking.
  4. After 10-12 min, turn off heat and let it rest. Cut in bite size. Yum!

