Savory surprise: Pork, Bacon Banana Roll, with Butter and Rum / カリビアンなポーク&ベーコン巻きバナナソテー

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  3. Savory surprise: Pork, Bacon Banana Roll, with Butter and Rum / カリビアンなポーク&ベーコン巻きバナナソテー

Grilled Cumin Butter flavored Pork served with bacon banana roll… banana…??

Pork grill & savory Bacon Banana rolls! / ベーコンのバナナ巻き!

The idea… Pork, Banana, Bacon, Rum…!

I had been strongly curious about this flavor, since I saw Helen-san’s beautiful post of her Caribbean cooking challenge, with such alluring caption(@pearler60, her August 25th post).
*Original recipe: “Pork Chops With Bananas and Bacon (Antigua and Barbuda)”,

Noticing I had almost the right ingredient in my kitchen after shopping bananas… (I usually automatically freeze them for smoothies), so here I go!

Quick idea & alternative steps taken (#rinafication 😇)
– Pork (loin this time, but original is pork chops): Rub with mixture of cumin & butter (if not salted, add salt), grill.
– Banana bacon roll, lemon juice squeezed: Added to the pan with Pork, once pork is almost cooked. My careless mistake. I should have cooked the bacon by itself before wrapping around bananas.
– Final touch: Pork should be brushed with beer. No problem… not…!! I couldn’t believe this, my fridge was out beer (omg…), so instead- I went with rum, at least to stick with the Caribbean feels.

The result- so flavorful & tasty.. first time to mix butter with cumin, and the flavor worked so well with the meat!
As for the rolls, maybe my bananas were overcooked than it should have been, but it still tasted wonderful. I actually enjoyed them infused with rum aroma.

Very simple ingredients / 材料をそろえて
Roll bananas! / バナナを巻き巻き
So excited for the flavor.. / どんな味になるのでしょうか。。。✨
Mix butter & cumin / バターとクミンを混ぜる
Paste butter mix to pork, squeeze lemon to banana rolls / バターをポークに塗って、バナナロールにレモンを絞って
Grill time, add rum / グリル!ラム酒で香りづけて
A wonderful plate meal!! / 楽しいプレートごはんの完成✨

[Japanese] 気分はカリビアン✨ラム酒で香りづけ、ポーク&ベーコン巻きバナナソテー


