“What Japanese people misses in Japan, when they are abroad” / 海外生活で、日本を恋しく思う瞬間

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  3. “What Japanese people misses in Japan, when they are abroad” / 海外生活で、日本を恋しく思う瞬間
Tsukemono Breakfast in Japan
Asagohan , Japanese breakfast / 朝ごはんから、気合が入ります!

Some typical idea of “what Japanese people misses in Japan, when they are abroad”.

Actually, I have been thinking so deeply on this topic for some time – what makes food life in Japan so different?
In my timeline, I see some Japanese people cooking fresh Japanese sushi or traditional mountain veggie dishes in Italy / France, so it must be the mountain and rivers (quality mineral) & seas (seafood!) & distinct seasons (unlike in tropical areas).
I learned in my Japanese cuisine school, that water is the base of Japanese cuisine& fermentation (soy sauce, miso, etc) – in fact, we have less traditional recipes using oil (less frying, sauteing, etc)…ok, I will stop now, making everyone sleepy😂😇

Tsukemono, Japanese Pickles

My favorite types of breakfast with “Tsukemono”, Japanese fermented pickles, no vinegar/acidity.
Clockwise from 12(am/pm): Wasabi Cabbage, Small melon, “Warabi (mountain veggie), aubergines, “Nozawa na”, Pumpkins, and pink daikon in the center🕰️
So clear in taste!! All seasonal veggies. & Miso soup & sashimi (raw fish) & Natto gohan (fermented soy 🫘 … gosh I love it!)

Tsukemono Breakfast in Japan
Clockwise Tsukemono / 築地のお漬物7種盛り
Tsukemono Breakfast in Japan
Tsukemono before cutting / ちょっと重くても、幸せなお買い物
Tsukemono Breakfast in Japan
Remove water / 水気を取って、盛り付け
Tsukemono shop in Tsukiji
My Favorite Tsukemono Shop in Tsukii / 築地のお漬物屋さん。目移りしちゃいます

Sashimi & Japanese Herb

Well I could get frozen/ air flown sashimi and herb Singapore too – but local quality is much fresh! And of course, reasonable for daily eats.

Sashimi, raw fish / 分厚いお刺身がうれしい。。。
Fried tofu with Japanese herb
Japanese Herb on fried tofu / 厚揚げのグリルに薬味&新玉ねぎを乗せて

My favorite recipe- “Okara (Unohana)”

Very traditional Japanese homefood – with soy pulp & several shredded ingredients. The flavor of dashi✨
I still haven’t found the soy pulp in Singapore.

Japanese Okara recipe
“Okara (Unohana)” / 五目おから(卯の花)
Japanese Okara recipe
Ingredients to go in / 五目ではなく、八目だったかもです。
Japanese Okara recipe
Shred the ingredients / 千切りに
Japanese Okara recipe
Ah forgot, shiitake too! / しいたけ、集合写真に入れ忘れました
Japanese Okara recipe
Roast rinsed soy pulp & konnyaku in sesame oil / ごま油で炒めます
Japanese Okara recipe
Add dashi sauce / お出汁をたっぷり加えます
Japanese Okara recipe
Let it simmer, until less watery / 水気を飛ばしながら、でもしっとりなくらいで完成

Just some Komorebi

“Komorebi”, lights through leaves & greens✨ In this season, beautiful young green maples✨
I remember the film “Perfect Days”… (In my previous post, I am again talking about Japanese breakfast).

Summer Komorebi

Miso soup, with soy bean curds

What went in to my miso soup one day: Turnip, “Ganmodoki” (soy bean curd cake), goboh (burdock), and ginger

Miso soup ingredient
Some idea for miso soup / お味噌汁、ごま油でさっと炒めて

[Japanese] 海外生活で、日本を恋しく思う瞬間




・青モミジの木漏れ日!映画Perfect Daysのあの場所(代々木八幡宮)にて。平山さんごっこ。笑
 以前投稿したPerfect Daysの感想文でも、納豆ご飯を恋しがっているのを思い出しました。