How to Cook Next Level Oden, Japanese Pot-au-feu / ちょっと丁寧な自家製おでん

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  3. How to Cook Next Level Oden, Japanese Pot-au-feu / ちょっと丁寧な自家製おでん
Oden, Japanese Pot-au-feu / ちょっと丁寧なおでん

Cooking Oden in Singapore : A bit of personal resolution✨

What’s your comfort taste? For me, it’s always the flavor of Japanese dashi broth.
Even when I post cooking around flavors from traveling & my beautiful timeline, I often have Japanese miso soup/ something dashi along my meals…😂❤️

My base passion is to contribute to fine Japanese culture & aesthetics, where I fostered love for tastes & cooking from childhood✨
And of course, to share and appreciate the joy of seasonal flavors wherever we are😍🌏✨

Sharing Oden (Japanese Pot-au-feu), an ultimate dashi flavored dish

Everything is so simple, prepared to enjoy the marriage of clear dashi flavor & essential goodness of each ingredients
In my April 22nd post on Instagram, I shared the process of preparing, for each ingredients in around 15 sec video.
Please swipe through if you are interested (otherwise, text below):

Link: Short videos for preparing each ingredients / 材料の準備動画

My Past articles on Oden

– Art of Oden (Japanese Pot-au-feu/Yong Tau Foo) / シンガポールの食材でおでん

– “Definite Pairing with Oden- Wine & Niku-miso /おでんとのペアリング&肉みそ”

Some Tips and Flow to prepare each Ingredients, and taste the difference

Dashi broth prep / 濃いめの出汁を取る
  • As principal: Oden is all about enjoying the clear taste of Dashi broth. So preparing each ingredients before placing them in broth is essential.
  • Prepare clear dashi Soup (1~2 litre) : I used the kombu (kelp) & dashi pack as base. Adjust the taste with some soy sauce, sugar, mirin, sake.
    💡When using broth powder / sauce, make sure to adjust flavor as it already contains some salt.
  • Prepare Ingredients
    💡Daikon(Japanese white raddish): They have a bit of enzyme aroma- it’s especially recommended to parboil them- and to have the flavor sink in while avoiding to have them fall apart during long hours of simmering, we use the technique of ‘mentori (面取り)’ – by removing the corners of the veggies. Small efforts makes big difference.
    💡Konnyaku: Use the technique of “Kakushi Bocho (隠し包丁)”. Giving them fine & even cuts in the surface, so flavors would sink in.
    💡Potato: Skin, and parboil to get the surface starchiness off.
    💡Fish cakes, sausages, chicken: Parboil them well, before placing them in dashi! Take off the extra oil.
Daikon, skinned. 大根の皮は厚めに剥いて
Daikon, after “Mentori” / 面取りをして、煮崩れにくく
Konnyaku with fine cuts in the surface / 隠し包丁
Then, parboil / 下茹でするのは隠し包丁後
Parboil lightly before adding to dashi / まずは下茹で
Ready to be cooked in pot! / 下茹で完了!鍋に移動!




