“Fruit Sando” Japanese fruit sandwiches with shine muscats / シャインマスカットのフルーツサンド

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  3. “Fruit Sando” Japanese fruit sandwiches with shine muscats / シャインマスカットのフルーツサンド

Trying Japanese fruit sandwiches with shine muscats✨
As you can see… they are much in progress…. but I will shamelessly post, so I can at least share/ remind you of the Japanese culture & how refined it should be🥲🙏✨

I’m sure the idea of fruit sandwich origins from overseas, but they went through some unique evolution in Japan.
Nowadays, you can find dreamy & somewhat nostalgic “fruit sando shops (“sando”, short for sandwiches)” in many specialty/ department stores.
Yes -even in department stores- they are fine desserts, like patisserie cakes.
Being a fan of savory ones/ crepes, I noticed I never had them before- but with fine shine muscat in front of me, it felt like a good opportunity✨

So what is “Fruit Sando”?
Super simply: fruit & whipped cream sandwiched in shokupan (Japanese square sandwich breads). What you see in the cut is (ahem- should be😇) exceptionally beautiful, you will be stunned. With harmony of sweet and fine shokupan, fruit’s tanginess & light whipped cream -it’s so heavenly…✨
Sounds simple – but I found it very difficult… I challenged twice to get prettier result, and yet I am far from it.
To cut beautifully, with clean halved fruits looking at you from the cross section is an art… FYI, you can get the image of the beautiful ones under: #フルーツサンド専門店 #フルーツサンド大好き #フルーツサンド部

Anyways- 3 things I can share from my experience

  1. Freeze well in wrap. Have sharp knife.
  2. The second time, I invented some not-so-cool method, with less risk. After cutting sandwich – take out the fruits you missed to half… cut it separately, and insert it back… cheat😇?
  3. It was delicious nevertheless😇

🍇💚 🍇💚 🍇


ちなみに、海外にもいろいろあるのかなと調べてみたのですが、どこもJapanese fruit sandwiches と紹介されていて、驚きでした。