[travel] India: Hindu wedding, Blessing the Bride at Haldi / インドの結婚式、”ハルディ”花嫁にターメリックを塗ってお祝い

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  3. [travel] India: Hindu wedding, Blessing the Bride at Haldi / インドの結婚式、”ハルディ”花嫁にターメリックを塗ってお祝い
“Haldi” – Blessing the bride with Turmeric mixture / ターメリックのミクスチャーを新婦に塗って、お祝い(浄化)

English: Hindu wedding, Blessing the Bride at Haldi

The morning celebration of the second day of an Indian wedding- “Haldi”, with traditional & spiritual feels- it was a featuring event for our dear bride.
If you would -please visit my post on Instagram for short videos of how beautiful & peaceful the event is.

These two days have been so intensive and amazing- it was just a flash of time- I am now feeling loss… now have only one more event to go…💃(😂)✨✨

・The tent was all yellow, and the dress code was “Sunrise Hues” – such dreamy atmosphere!! I really liked the repeating melody…✨

・Much blessings to our bride (painting her with turmeric mixture for all good wishes, and her uncles and aunts praying & putting her good luck bangles on her wrists)- and of course some more dance- and then finally, the blessing from the bride.Like a bouquet toss- for good luck finding future partners…✨

・We found surprise gifts in our room, and received some more throughout the ceremony. Refreshments, letters, beautiful scarves, bags with accessories, etc etc. They were beautiful addition to my dresses!
One embarrassing mistake- I found one earring, so wore it on one side of my year.
When the bride (my friend) saw me, she kindly told me this is something you’d wear on your head- with the pins, so I hurried back to room to correct.
And aha- maybe this was why there were pins in the box with snacks!
am still not sure what the medicine are for.





