Easy Pasta / Soup Time with Preserved Lemons: Two recipes / プリザーブドレモン(レモンの塩漬け)でスープとパスタ

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  3. Easy Pasta / Soup Time with Preserved Lemons: Two recipes / プリザーブドレモン(レモンの塩漬け)でスープとパスタ

[English] Easy, Refreshing Pasta / Soup Time with Preserved Lemons

preserved lemon

A memo on my adventures of homemade preserved lemons.
Both very quickly done, in less than 30mins.
In my preserved lemon, I added cardamom, bay leafs & lemon glass, so it has a bit of refreshing flavor🍋✨

Easy! Tomato soup with chicken, veggies, and beans

Tomato soup with chicken, veggies, and beans / お野菜たっぷりチキントマトスープ
  1. Cut chicken breast in thinner strips. Slice preserved lemon.
  2. Sauté chopped garlic & 1 in light olive oil, add the rest of cut veggies (onion, tomatoes, carrots, courgettes), and after a while, beans (oops it was flavored beans).
  3. Adjust with salt & pepper, a meal is ready!

Creamy Farfalle with Lemon & yogurt sauce, and lavender

Creamy Farfalle with Lemon & yogurt sauce, and lavender / レモンクリームパスタ風(ヨーグルト使用)

In respect of @feedingbruno, as I was inspired to try preserved lemon after her beautiful reel- trying with farfalle, as it seems to be her favorite (I like the bonding part, a bit chewy!).
And thinking of dear Doreen (@foodmood_le ), the lavender- I love the aroma. Enjoy Japan✨

  1. Sauce: Blitz yogurt, lemon juice, garlic, and a bit of sweet flavor (honey / sugar / mirin)
  2. Heat the sauce in pan, add cooked pasta, flavor with salt & pepper, some spinach/greens at the end, and sprinkle lavenders.

[JAPANESE] プリザーブドレモン(レモンの塩漬け)でスープとパスタ






Quick video link to the pasta (graphic above) / 上記画像より簡単動画をご覧いただけます