Free Style Spring Omelet, a Complete Meal Itself/ 春のフリースタイルオムレツ

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Free Style Spring Omelet, a Complete Meal Itself/ 春のフリースタイルオムレツ

[English] Free Style Spring Omelet, what do do with broken eggs

Free Style Spring omelet✨

On the way home from grocery shopping, I had an uncomfortable feeling… and it was right.
Several eggs got cracked in my eco bag along with other items.

Such a perfect opportunity to make an omelet.
I learned a nice omelet recipe from @thekitchenstoic -san a while ago, and ever since, it’s my favorite.
Originally, the recipe is【6 eggs🥚, 200g dairy🧀🥛, 200g vegetables🥦🥕 】
I used to measure the ingredients- but after several, I’m more used to arranging it.
(Oh, and to show you my usual omelet… you can swipe until pic 10 in my Instagram post of this day. Super unphotogenic😇, however, will be slightly prettier with some leaves, corianders etc)

I gathered all the odd pieces of veggies I wanted to finish: half courgette (zucchini), mushrooms, tomato, asparagus.
Flavors that went in: Preserved lemon, chopped garlic, mozzarella.

Since I wanted the ingredients not to sink, so I used both stove & oven.

Super easy:

  1. Chop veggies. Keep some topping aside.
  2. Mix eggs & ingredients together, pour everything in a pan (slightly coated with olive oil) and cook with lid for a while.
  3. When it looks half cooked, place the toppings, and cook in oven until your liking.

[Japanese] 春のフリースタイルオムレツ、とっても気楽なレシピ




Chop Chop! And leave the toppings! トッピングは避けておいてくださいね~!
Bake with lid on first, to get the heat through / まずは、蓋をして中弱火で。表面、火が通らなくても大丈夫
Top it as you like, Asparagus was my theme! / 出来上がりを想像しながらトッピング
Bon Appétit いただきます!