[travel] Way Too Beautiful Pastries of Paris & Croissant Disco / 美しすぎるパリのケーキ&クロワッサンディスコ

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  3. [travel] Way Too Beautiful Pastries of Paris & Croissant Disco / 美しすぎるパリのケーキ&クロワッサンディスコ

-Pastries of Paris: Delicious & beautiful cakes and pastries are everywhere in the city- and I think boulangerie (bakeries) sometimes offers one of the best.
My hotel was so retro romantic, that they would serve traditional “French breakfast” – of croissants & baguettes with jams, butter, coffee/hot chocolate, yogurt (and nothing savory)- two days were enough. I started to get some pastries of my own to start the day.
I am amazed at how delicious and pretty they are…✨✨(The third one, pistachio financier – this is heaven.)

-Lentils: Since seeing beautiful cookings of lentils in my timeline past few months, I am so keen on this ingredient. One day, I just grabbed a salad to study- I really enjoyed the minced onions in it too✨

-Croissants on street: I just had to enjoy them with streetlight disco 🪩🥐🚥✨

-Some salad: I am amazed with the deliciousness of random salad bowls…✨Too bad the dressing was not on side, it would have been a pretty one.

-Cafeteria food: I like them… especially the vegetables. Are they considered fast/ junk food😂?




-ケーキ: ホテルの朝食は、バスケットにぎっしりのクロワッサン&バゲットに山ほどのジャム・バター、ヨーグルトにココアかコーヒーの繰り返しで、2日目にはキツくなってしまいました。そんなこんなで、起きるのが楽しみになるケーキを選んで、朝にいただく生活を過ごしています。パン屋さんのケーキもあるのですが、それがまたものすごく美味しかったりして、フランスの底力を感じます。

-レンズ豆のサラダ: 最近レンズ豆が気になっていて。刻み玉ねぎがポイントと発見でした。

