[travel] French Connoisseur: Veal Kidney, Escargot, fany desserts- Enjoying French to its full / 仔牛の腎臓, エスカルゴ とってもフレンチな食チョイス

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  3. [travel] French Connoisseur: Veal Kidney, Escargot, fany desserts- Enjoying French to its full / 仔牛の腎臓, エスカルゴ とってもフレンチな食チョイス

Some social tables I enjoyed this week, with some highlights in the caption.

-Salmon Gravelax (Sugar and Salt Cured Salmon) – this was a new way to enjoy my favorite fish of the sea✨

-Rognons de veau flambés: Veal Kidney. Very fresh, I loved the bouncy & juicy texture. And the potato was super..✨Being Japanese, I am open for any parts of fishes / meats. I remember being a hero(ine) on the table for ordering “Tête de veau” (Calf’s head and brain dish) the other time, but it was absolutely delicious.

-Escargot- thank you for your recommendation Jolanda-san (@look_how_i_cook_well ), I’m glad that i have finally tried them!! One of the most strongest and delicious garlic sauce😍💚💚

-How my friend so effortlessly had the “sole🐟”- Cut off the rims, ready to go…! Those moves appear such an upbringing to me😮🍴👏

-Greek dinner- It was my first time to have pure Greek dishes. Tarama dip was wow & mints and corianders in meatballs (?) were such delightful new flavors😍

-Desserts- I don’t usually go for deserts after meal, but it seems to sound almost insane not to😂 They sure are delicious, though!!



-仔牛の腎臓: ミディアムレアでしたが、臭みもなく、塩コショウのシンプルな味付けながらとてもおいしかったです!