Burdock Soba: Awesome Umami, Comfort Bowl! / ごぼうのお蕎麦

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  3. Burdock Soba: Awesome Umami, Comfort Bowl! / ごぼうのお蕎麦
Recipe: Burdock soba / 超シンプルなごぼう蕎麦のレシピ

A bowl of comforning Burdock Soba…✨

Experienced my first horse race in my life yesterday, hearing that 180 years old historical site of this country (and the only one) will now be closed.
So interesting, and fun with nice lunch & drinks, followed by dinner… 🐎🥂🥩 but with tired stomach this morning😇

When I have tired stomach, my appetite goes completely domestic Japanese.
I simply cannot have coffee, bread, milk… I just need something dashi (bonito & kelp broth).
What we grow up on has a huge impact in life!

My buckwheat soba noodle, in dashi soup, topped with burdock kimpira.
As I started to cook, the aroma of dashi brought back my appetite, so it ended up with some more ingredients😋

I hope to introduce something more focused on dashi in the future- you can see several stocks I would use in pic 4.
In traditional & professional ways, you’d need konbu (kelp) & bonito flakes… but in daily cooking & especially when you are cooking overseas, it’s time consuming/ hard to purchase & expensive, so I usually use the dashi broth pack / dashi sauce / dashi powders.
Organic & non-sodium dashi pack is a best option – you just prepare some water & put a pack & boil.. but of course, dashi sauce & dashi powders are convenient for daily use as well.

Super quick &easy recipe🍜

  1. Prepare dashi broth soup. Flavor with light soy sauce & mirin & sake & salt to your desired flavor.
  2. Parboil tofu. Cut & add to 1. Boil, add mixed egg (don’t touch them in the pot!) & stop the heat after fe sec & put on lid.
  3. Burdock Kimpira: Shred & sautee in sesame oil. Flavor with light soy sauce & mirin & sake & sugar and let it thicken a bit
  4. Boil soba in separate pot. When cooked, serve in a bowl with 2 and top with 3.



