Three Seasonal Salads, With Brussels Sprouts, Rosemary, And More/ 旬を楽しむサラダ3種

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  3. Three Seasonal Salads, With Brussels Sprouts, Rosemary, And More/ 旬を楽しむサラダ3種

Happy Friday✨

Almost time for fare-well with my family- especially sentimental to my mother, it was a nice stay again…✨
There will be some additional posts – but finale would be the salads I had with my mother in Japan.
We literally “rediscovered” salads- how seasonal ingredients are fun, both raw & girlled (and sometimes steamed/ boiled).

Thanks to my friend’s gift, the flavor was mainly her delicious olive oil & salt & pepper… with delicious fresh Japanese groceries.

1.Grilled Chicken & Brussels sprouts etc- with rosemary
So I had no image for the Brussels sprouts… which I was so keen to taste from beautiful posts on my timeline (all names mentioned on photo1)… adding mentions to all the people who inspired me to try✨✨
I get now- maybe not so friendly for palates of children- but hey, it tastes like spring✨
We need some bitterness to wake up our system✨

2. Grilled Bamboo shoots, tofu, and some oranges – and pulled chicken (steamed) mixed in “fuki-miso”.
Well, it’s packed bamboo shoots, more instant (than boiling from natural shoots)… but still so good, grilled✨
Steamed chicken fillets mixed with pulled “Mixed miso with “Fukinoto (butterbur shoots)”” (my post on Feb 1st).
Soooo spring✨

3. Grilled beef & pork meatballs with rosemary, and other rooted veggies etc
Super easy… Rosemary from my mother’s garden plays a wonderful trick✨




