Romantic and Savory! Creamy Sakura Tofu Pasta✨ 夜桜 豆腐クリームパスタ

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  3. Romantic and Savory! Creamy Sakura Tofu Pasta✨ 夜桜 豆腐クリームパスタ

Enjoying my salted cherry flower- today on pasta- tribute to washoku (Japanese food) – miso & tofu pesto. Non-oil but super creamy & umami-full, with a special & wild tip💪😂💡

So delicate with Sakura, base being creamy and yum! I also tried to incorporate the notion of “Yozakura/ 夜桜”, enjoying sakura in the evening (with moon yolk and seaweed sky)… too much🌃😂?

Super yummy – Sakura flavored, condensed Tofu pesto pasta🍝🌸🙏

1. So basically… to get the condensed flavor of the tofu pesto… put some heavy weigh on top of kitchen paper wrapped silk tofu. Longer the better, I did with my leftover wine (40-50%???) for around 30-40min (you can also do this in fridge, with any other heavy stuff)😂💪💡💡

2. Blend in blender, 1 + miso(whiter the better, like miso from Kyoko), adjust with any light soy sauce & sugar. I had some salted cherry blossom, so I washed away the salt in water, and added some in the blender (be careful, they can be really salty- you may need 30-60 min to rince out the saltiness to your likings).

3. Soften dried seaweed in water, and drain.

4. Heat 2 in pan, non oil necessary – add cooked pasta – once heated, plate. I had some nama- tamago (eggs that can be eaten raw)… so topped along with 3, and decorated with sakura🌸 5. Very thick sauce, kind of nutty. Yum yum!!




味付けは、お味噌(信州系の白みそ(西京味噌があったら最高でした。。。))+薄口&お砂糖+桜くらいのノンオイルパスタながら、大変濃厚でおいしかったです。 賞味期限はまだまだありつつも、母からもうそろそろ桜吹雪と聞き、なんとなく急いで楽しみたくなる不思議な心理です😳🌸🌸