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Inari-sushi/zushi - Vegan sushi✨/お稲荷さん myoga 茗荷

I would be happy if I tricked you with the red tuna-looking sushi… it’s Japanese gingers🥰❣️

My proposal for 100% Vegetarian sushi🍣✨
Nothing innovative, just combining traditional Japanese recipes… but I love the basic, comforting components.
I still have salted cherry blossoms left (used more often for confectionaries) – so mixed them in sushi rice too. Delicate & fragrant!

The brown sac looking sushi, you may be familiar- is “Inari-sushi/zushi, いなり寿司”.
Rice is filled in deep fried tofu pouches. I couldn’t find these tofu in local supermarkets (they were one piece- and couldn’t be used as pouch) – I got them from a Japanese super market.
These are juicy with soy sauce & sugar sauce, really yummy!

The red Japanese ginger is called, MYOGA/みょうが.
I pickled them after parboiling, to bring out the red color.
I like to enjoy their fresh & delicate aroma raw, but pickled ones are also very nice.

Super quick recipe for Inari-sushi✨
1. Prepare rice. In a bowl, mix (careful, use spatula and mix as if cutting rice dynamically, so you don’t end up with sticky rice) : warm Japanese rice, rice vinegar & sugar & salt (to your likings.) I substituted salt with cherry petals & added roasted white sesame.

2. Cut the pouch-able fried Tofu in half… and parboil (get old oil out). Let it cool & drain- then flavor with medium-low heat boiling sauce (basic ratio: 2TBS light soy sauce & 2TBS sugar & 2TBS mirin (or substitute with additional TBS of sugar) & 1.5cup water. Adding a bit of dashi powder / sauce for more umami.

3. Once the sauce is thickened, let it cool again so you can hold them in your hands. Fill your favorite amount of sushi rice. Yum, without soy sauce!




Inari-sushi/zushi - Vegan sushi✨/お稲荷さん myoga 茗荷
Inari-sushi/zushi - Vegan sushi✨/お稲荷さん myoga 茗荷
Inari-sushi/zushi - Vegan sushi✨/お稲荷さん myoga 茗荷
Inari-sushi/zushi - Vegan sushi✨/お稲荷さん myoga 茗荷
Inari-sushi/zushi - Vegan sushi✨/お稲荷さん myoga 茗荷
Inari-sushi/zushi - Vegan sushi✨/お稲荷さん myoga 茗荷
Inari-sushi/zushi - Vegan sushi✨/お稲荷さん myoga 茗荷
Inari-sushi/zushi - Vegan sushi✨/お稲荷さん myoga 茗荷
Inari-sushi/zushi - Vegan sushi✨/お稲荷さん myoga 茗荷