Osechi cooking 2023 ⑥ “Kobu (Kombu) Maki” – Kelp roll with stuffed salmon / サーモン&生姜の昆布巻き

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  3. Osechi cooking 2023 ⑥ “Kobu (Kombu) Maki” – Kelp roll with stuffed salmon / サーモン&生姜の昆布巻き

Happy Sunday✨

Documentation on my early Osechi (traditional Japanese New Year meal)✨

“Kobu (Kombu) Maki” – kelp roll with stuffed fish.
This is my personal most favorite- I always enjoy nibbling on the cut off edges & left overs / not-so-pretty ones that will not be boxed.
Originally done with dried herrings, but in Singapore- I with salmons – and I find it even more delicious.

Originally, Kobu (short for Kombu/昆布, kelp) is considered to be a super good luck food in Japan. Its shape widens toward the end (good luck, like 8/八), image of happiness spreading.
Also, it’s close to synonym of happiness “yoroKOBU/喜ぶ”, and Chinese character that means Descendants prosperity.

Even now, we send Kombu as prestigious gifts in certain occasions (some are pretty expensive).
Flavor differs by sea & regions, but Kombu is essential to Japanese cooking- for dashi broths.

Quick idea:

  1. Soak thinner kelp & gourd individually in water, cut fish to the length of the kelp & shred ginger.
  2. Roll & tie
    3.Place the knot down, and put on medium heat in: 600ml dashi/ water, 2TBS sake, 2TBS vinegar, 2TBS sugar, 2TBS light soy sauce, 1TBS Mirin (or sugar). *Adjust flavor to your liking
  3. After 10-12 min, turn off heat and let it rest. Cut in bite size. Yum!





※Short videos available on my Instagram post (how I roll & tie)